Deposit and Cancellation

Registration for a circuit means accepting the following terms:

Deposit Payment
Registration and the dates for each tour will be confirmed once the deposit has been paid corresponding to 30% of the total price. This will be reimbursed only under certain conditions. Payment must be received 15 days before trip departure at the latest. This can be done either through our Bolivian bank account or PayPal. 

Cancellation from the client
Cancellation insurance does not exist in Bolivia, and therefore we cannot offer this service. We invite you to check with your own insurance if they can provide this service.

If cancellation occurs 45 days or more before trip start, the deposit will be fully reimbursed (bank fees excluded).

If cancellation occurs at least 30 days before trip start, half of the deposit will be reimbursed(bank fees excluded).

If cancellation occurs 15 days prior to trip start, or if client is a no-show, none of the deposit will be reimbursed.

Cancellation due to natural events

• Prior to trip start
If none of the activities are unable to occur and trip is cancelled 7 days or less from trip start, Moto Trails Bolivia will retain half of the deposit and reimburse all other lost costs (bank fees excluded).

If none of the activities are unable to occur, the agency will provide a second option to the client, with an equivalent number of days. If the client refuses, Moto Trails Bolivia will retain all of the deposits and reimburse all other lost costs (bank fees excluded).

• During the tour
If the circuit is interrupted for cause of natural events, Moto Trails Bolivia will propose an alternative path of the same length than originally planned, all while assuring the safety of the group.

If a client is interrupted during the trip, whether voluntary or not, Moto Trails Bolivia will retain all lost costs.

• Itinerary modifications
In case of accident and/or injury of one or more members of the group (client or guide), Moto Trails Bolivia can decide to change the itinerary if the organization of an emergency evacuation is necessary.

If the weather conditions are found too difficult or carrying ay risk, Moto Trails Bolivia can decide to change the itinerary initially planned.

If the riding experience is found to be insufficient to keep up with the planned route, Moto Trails Bolivia can decide, after a group meeting, to propose a new itinerary.

None of the three modifications explained above call for reimbursement.

• Compensation
In no case is Moto Trails Bolivia to be forced to offer compensation of any nature.

Passports and Visas

A valid passport (6 months minimum) is evidently necessary to enter Bolivia.

La délivrance des visas différe selon les pays. C’est par exemple gratuit pour les français, mais coûte $100 pour les américains… N’hésitez pas à vous renseignr auprès de votre ambassade, ou sur le site Vous pouvez bien entendu nous contacter pour toute question.


All participants imperatively need to obtain, before the departure, a personal insurance which can cover the medical costs in Bolivia and potential trip back by plane in case of heavy injury or sickness.

The motorcyclist also needs to obtain, before their departure, their motorcycle license, valid in Bolivia and all other countries we may go through as well as a copy of their insurance and emergency contact sheet. These conditions are mandatory, Moto Trails Bolivia cannot accept clients that do not meet them.

Motorcycle License

A motorcycle license to drive any type of bike is required, without exception.

Health procedures

Certain areas in Bolivia are malaria-ridden. You will be informed if the tour in which you are participating goes through these regions. Consult your doctor for preventive measures against malaria. Vaccination against yellow fever is also strongly recommended.

Elevation can cause different effect depending on the person. There are local medical treatments for altitude sickness, which is rarely worse than mild headaches. If you have any doubts, consult your doctor or contact international vaccination centers.

Upon registration to any tour proposed by Moto Trails Bolivia, the clients will need to detail their specific medical indications (blood type, allergies, previous medical records, etc...).

Climate and Equipment

Bolivia is the country of extremes, as much in terms of altitude and temperature. You could for example start at -20°C in the morning, up to 35°C in the jungles during the day.

Participants must have their own personal equipment suited for motorcycle riding, which includes at least: full face helmet (preferably off-road), goggles (both day and night), pants and jacket suited for motorcycle riding, chestguard, kneeguards, motorcycle gloves (both cold and warm). If this cannot be brought, all of it may be bought at La Paz. It is important to note the higher prices of such equipment in Bolivia than in the Western world.

Clothes to be brought along the tour must be adapted to the season and the tour chosen. Genrally speaking, clothes should be waterproof and warm, since most trips go through high elevations (between 3000 and 5000 meters). Clients must also bring a sleeping bag, sunscreen with maximum protection, anti-mosquito cream, and long pants and shirts.

Support Vehicles

One or two support 4x4 vehicles for your safety and comfort:

Safety: The 4x4 will follow the motorcycles, from a maximum of 30 minutes behind. It has all tools and extra pieces to resolve any mechanical problem.
Comfort: The 4x4 will also carry your bags which allows you to ride light while retaining the ability to access your belongings at any time.


The Moto Trails Bolivia trips are NOT conceived for beginners. The trips go through paved roads and dirt/gravel roads, and an off-road experience is therefore absolutely necessary..

You will need to be able to:

  • Ride standing to pass obstacles
  • Brake and turn on slippery surfaces like mud and gravel
  • Ride on humid surfaces following rain
  • Pass through a river
  • Ride between 6 to 8 hours every day

To note that off-road classes and training stages can be organized for you in France or in the United States.

GPS and guide

GPS: Your Suzuki DR 650 will be equipped with a TRAIL TECH Voyager Pro with a color-coded path to follow. You will also see the position of the other group members on the screen, making it difficult to get lost.

Guide: Maurice will be with you during the duration of the trip. He known all the trails and roads and will know what decisions to make and if a detour is necessary.

Food and Lodging

Moto Trails Bolivia proposes trips with everything included:

Hotels: We will alternate between luxury 5 star hotels and basic lodgings in isolated villages. The rooms are typically doubles, but it may not be surprising to have 3 or 4 person per room if the need arises.

Food: Every meal, as well as snacks, will be provided by Moto Trails Bolivia. Breakfast at the hotel, lunch in local restaurants, and dinner at that night's hotel... You have nothing to worry about!

Phones and Internet

Cellular coverage is very good in Bolivia. We recommend buying a SIM card for only a few Bolivianos to use in your phone. It will allow unlimited calling through Whatsapp and access to internet. It is also possible to use the roaming services of your regular carrier, but that option often ends up being more expensive. There will be wifi in big city hotels.


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