Lagunes – Salar
9 jours – 2 400 km

Calendar 2022

  • Arrive in La Paz the 13th November 2022
    End of Trip the 21st November 2022

Calendar 2023

  • Arrive in La Paz the 18th June 2023
    End of Trip the 26th June 2023

  • Arrive in La Paz the 10th September 2023
    End of Trip the 18th September 2023
Contact us for personalized circuits 
  • Difficulty 60% 60%
  • Off-road 70% 70%


  • The motorcycle rental of a Suzuki DR 650, equipped with GPS, in perfect condition and maintenance for the whole duration of the trip.
  • Insurance covering damages caused to the motorcycle (GPS excluded) up to total destruction, with a 350$ deductible at the client's expense.
  • Civil Liability insurance limited to the equivalent of 3000$.
  • Mechanic assistance
  • Gas
  • Lodging with double rooms in cities, in dorms or triple rooms in isolated locations.
  • Food (excluded are meals in free days as designated in program of the circuit).
  • Refreshments during the length of each stage.
  • Accompanying personnel: I motorcycle guide, 1 mechanic, 1 driver per 4x4 support vehicle.
  • 1 support vehicle to follow the group for the whole length of the trip and will carry client luggages.
  • Entry into parks and reserves planned in the program.
  • Guided visits and museums as planned in the program.


  • Plane ticket to and from Bolivia.
  • Cancellation insurance.
  • Insurance covering loss of plane ticket if late to La Paz (due to accident, weather, etc.).
  • Personal insurance.
  • Civil liability insurance past the mentioned sum above.
  • Deductible for damages caused to the motorcycle.
  • Damages to GPS
  • Potential sanitary repatriation and its organization.
  • Additional costs for single room when possible.
  • Unplanned additional nights.
  • All tips, personal consumption, alcohol, souvenirs.
  • All excursions, visits (guided or not) of sites and museums not previously planned.


This itinerary allows the visit of the essentials of the Andes portion of Bolivia, its southern deserts, Lagunas and the Uyuni Salar.

It passes through traditional touristic trips, but the bikes give us the possibilities to do so through alternative paths and at times of the day that are least crowded to best enjoy the extraordinary landscapes of this region.

The whole team has worked so that your stay is at the height of your expectations and hope that Bolivia will end up with its place in your lifetime of memories.

If you arrive in Bolivia before D1, we will of course welcome you at the airport. It is a good idea to have at least one day to get acclimated (altitude, jetlag) before the start of the tour. Moto Trails Bolivia will handle hotel reservations and can propose many different activities such as visits of the city, bicycle trips up and down the road of death, a fly over of the Titicaca lake, etc. It is also possible to include an extra day in La Paz at the end of the raid. Please contact us for these options.

See you very soon!

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This long trip was created for rider searching for an authentic adventure in the most beautiful places in Bolivia. The majority of the trip will be on large gravel roads with some technical sections with ruts and rolling rocks. It will never be truly difficult, but Bolivia is not for beginners.

Ride at your own pace. Your rental DR 650 is equipped with a GPS prepared with the entire trip. With this tool and the help of the guide, you make your own decision depending on weather, your physical condition, and the difficulties of the day...

The weather should be pleasant, but it is best to be prepared for large temperature changes. It can be cold and rainy in the mountains but be very hot in the jungle. Remember that we cannot control the climate!

It is important to not forget that we ride in very isolated locations where help may take hours to arrive. Safety is our main concern over speed and risks.

Despite the formidable length of the trip, it is still perfectly adapted for any rider in good physical condition with the willpower to finish what is truly the adventure of a lifetime.


DAY 1: Arrive at La Paz
Reception at the airport. Go to Mitru hotel in the southern side of La Paz. Tour presentation and, depending on flight arrival time, city visit.

DAY 2: La Paz - Uyuni (550km of pavement).
Departure at 08h00. This stage is a connection through the Altiplano to reach the southern end of Bolivia. With no difficulties, it will allow you to familiarize yourself with the motorcycle and the high altitudes. Destination reached towards the end of afternoon.

DAY 3: Uyuni - Tupiza (240km including 160km of dirt/gravel road)
Departure at 08h00, we will leave the main road slightly before the 60km mark to follow sandy, winding, unfrequented dirt roads to arrive at the San Vicente mine. This is where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid met their fate... We will eat lunch in a small lodging where miners also eat their meals. At the end of the day, we will pass through a crest will magnificent views of the canyons below. End of the stage is planned in Tupiza for late afternoon, finally below the 4000m mark.

JOUR 4 : Tupiza – Quetena Chico : (290 km de piste)
Départ à 8h00 pour 290 km de piste.

Long but nice day, with elevation, cold, ice, rocks, sand but breathtaking views of mountains above 4000m. Picnic planned somewhere on the road. Arrival is exopected towards the very end of the afternoon. Doña Braulia will be waiting for us with a nice warm meal in her newly renovated hotel.

JOUR 5 : Quetena Chico – Villa Mar (270 km de piste).
Départ à 8h00, aujourd’hui nous grimperons à presque 5000m à plusieurs reprises. Laguna Verde au pied du Llicancahur, Vallée de Dali, geyser, Laguna Colorada… Les joyaux du Sud Lipez sont un passage obligatoire ! Cette étape nous réservera encore beaucoup de surprises, des paysages exceptionnels, des portions rapides, d’autres sinueuses, peut-être de la neige… Nous déjeunerons au bord des eaux thermales de « Sol de Mañana ». Arrivée à Villa Mar en toute fin d’après-midi. Nous logerons chez Nicolas, l’infirmier du village. L’endroit est confortable.

JOUR 6 : Villa Mar – Jirira (340 km de piste et de Salar).
Départ à 8h00, nous quitterons Villa Mar par la Laguna Pastos Grandes. Encore des paysages exceptionnels, des roches, des concrétions, des montagnes… Nous emprunterons ensuite un axe routier très fréquenté pour quitter cette zone par le salar de Chiguana. Un autre désert… Nous arriverons au bord du Salar d’Uyuni pour les 80 derniers kilomètres en fin d’après-midi. Le coucher de soleil est magique ici.  Il nous faudra ajouter une couche, lorsque le soleil disparaît, la température chute très brutalement. Il est possible que nous arrivions à Jirira de nuit. Carlos et Lupe nous attendront avec une bonne soupe de quinoa bien chaude et des chambres confortables ! 

JOUR 7 : Alcaya et Salar (Environ 200 km de piste et de Salar).
Après le petit déjeuner, nous partirons pour visiter un site près du village de Salinas de Garci Mendoza. Il s’agit d’un village Chullpa, une des civilisations les plus anciennes des Andes, partiellement restauré. Il se situe à environ trois quarts d’heure de Jirira et la visite, à pieds, dure à peu près deux heures. Nous reviendrons ensuite sur nos traces pour passer le reste de la journée sur le Salar. Il n’y a rien à voir, simplement une étendue immense plate et blanche, la sensation est magique ! Nous piqueniquerons sur l’Ile du Poisson. Retour à Jirira avec le coucher du soleil.

DAY 8: Jirira - La Paz (540km of pavement).
Departure at 09h00 for the return at La Paz through the long straight line of the Altiplano. We will reach the hotel towards the end of the afternoon with a dinner of despedida.

DAY 9: End of the trip with Moto Trails Bolivia.

Photo Gallery "THE ESSENTIAL" – Bolivia in 9 Days


9 + 6 =

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